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Alderwood School


Infant Site:

Children enter Alderwood Infant school during the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday.

Most children transfer from local nurseries and pre-schools and close liaison takes place between these establishments and with parents before children start school. This enables pre-school knowledge to be passed on to Early Years staff at Alderwood and ensures that we have a very clear picture of a child’s needs before they start.

Children with special needs and children who are gifted and talented are catered for by the school Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and the school Gifted and Talented Leader. See school policies on children with special needs and gifted children.

At Alderwood we aim for all children to feel confident and happy from their first day at school. During the summer term before they enter Early Years children and parents are invited to weekly “Let’s Get Active” sessions. Children and parents join in with activities led by Early Years staff and this really aids a smooth transition into school life as well as giving parents ideas of things they can do with their child at home.

An open evening for all new parents of children about to start in Early Years is held in the summer term.

Prospective and new parents are encouraged to attend the open evenings and open mornings that the school organises. This enables parents to find out through first-hand experience how children learn at Alderwood.

If you would like a tour of the school please contact the school office (01252 323494) to make an appointment.

If you wish for your child to attend Alderwood the school office will be able to advise you on the process or contact the Hampshire school admissions team.


Junior Site:

Children generally transfer at age 7 from their Infant School. All these children are included in a planned programme of induction activities, including an art club. This is held after school by year 3 staff on the junior site in the summer term and a morning with their new teacher and class. Liaison arrangements include meetings held between teachers cross sites. The emphasis is on a smooth transition that reduces the anxiety and stress for both child and parent.

All children who attend Alderwood Infants automatically gain a place at the junior school with out application. If children wish to attend a different school, then parents need to apply through Hampshire admissions. There may be spaces available in year 3 for other families to apply for, again this is done through admissions.

Welcoming Arrangements for New Parents

Parents of the new intake will be invited to an evening meeting in June to be given details of the transfer from Infant schools. Teachers from all year groups as well as the Executive Headteacher and Head of school will be present to give advice and answer questions related to organisation,procedure and curriculum.

When your child does join us, we try to get to know your child as quickly as possible and we always ask one of the children to be a best buddy and show each new child around so they can settle in quickly.  It really helps if you tell us of any issues when you begin.

If your child has any specific learning difficulties, please see our page on Special Educational Needs – under Our School.

Equally, if your child is gifted or talented in particular areas, our page on Able Child will let you know how we cater for their needs. 

If you would like a tour of the school, please phone the school office on 01252 323151 to make an appointment and talk with the Executive Headteacher or Head of school.


Senior Site:

All children who attend Alderwood Juniors automatically gain a place at the senior school without application. If children wish to attend a different school, then parents need to apply through Hampshire admissions. There will be spaces available in year 7 for other families in the local area to apply for; again this is done through admissions.

Welcoming Arrangements for New Parents

Parents of the new intake will be invited to an evening meeting in June to be given details of the transfer from Junior schools. The Head of Year 7, as well as the Executive Headteacher and Head of school, will be present to give advice and answer questions related to organisation, procedure and curriculum.

When your child does join us, we try to get to know your child as quickly as possible and we always ask pupils in the year above (our Transition Champions) to show each new child around so they can settle in quickly.  It really helps if you tell us of any issues when you begin.

If your child has any specific learning difficulties, please see our page on Special Educational Needs – under School Information.

Equally, if your child is gifted or talented in particular areas, our page on Able Child (G&T) will let you know how we cater for their needs. 

If you would like a tour of the school, please phone the school office on 01252 343723 to make an appointment and talk with the Executive Headteacher or Head of school.


Please click here for our school admission policy for 2021-2022

Please click here for our school admission policy for 2022-2023

Please click here for our school admission policy for 2023-2024

Please click here for our school admission policy for 2024-2025