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Alderwood School


This role of Inclusion is to support the academic and social education of pupils in Key Stage 3 and 4 who are at risk of exclusion; are emotionally vulnerable, or struggle to manage in a large school environment. These pupils may require additional or specialist support to tackle underlying problems that are creating barriers to their learning.

Mr Baker oversees Inclusion and is supported by Mrs Bateman.

  • To create inclusive educational opportunities for pupils who find accessing mainstream education challenging for behavioural and emotional reasons, with an emphasis on supporting KS4 pupils to achieve as many GCSEs as possible. Part of this role is the oversight of the Internal Exclusion Room with the support of a Learning Mentor.
  • To manage the attendance at school, working towards our target of 96% overall for this school year. This involves; home visits, meeting with parents and one to one and group support for pupils who find attendance at school difficult. 
  • To work with external agencies and families to ensure that our most vulnerable pupils are safe and healthy.

What do we offer?

  • Individual emotional or behaviour support through the ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) programmes
  • The Source Anger Management programme
  • The school employs a Counsellor one day a week
  • Additional support and alternative programmes for KS4 pupils who find mainstream schooling difficult
  • Referrals to external agencies such as: CAMHS, Children’s Services, Catch 22, The Source